Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2015

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1 (The definition of a business letter)

Tugas Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 1


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The definition of a business letter
For ordinary people, the term letter is not something new or foreign. Letters used by someone either as a means of delivering a message written for a variety of interests from, whether private, official, or business from one person to another person or party. Along with the development of information and communication technologies is so rapid, writing and delivery of a message from one party to another can be done not only to paper but Also through electronics mail (e-mail).
How to write well? In writing a good vein, note the following ways:
a. The language used is easy to understand and straightforward. Will read the letter so that we understand well. A language is not Easily understood the which will lead to a different understanding and not the same as our purpose. While the style that rambling growing niche to cause boredom for the readers of our letter and may choose not been reading again the message below boredom.
b. Also select the paper size is good, clean, and its size According to the purpose to be Achieved by the sender of the message or letter.
What is the Definition of Letters?
According to the coaching centers and language development department of Education, the letter defined as a means of communication used to Convey information in writing by one party to another. Understanding the letter is general dna applicable to a variety of interests or purposes Depending on the intent and purpose of each sender of the letter, where the letter could be a letter of meeting invitation, the supply of goods, customer complaints, employment contracts, termination of employment, the decision letter and others,
Also what is a business letter?
In general, the definition and understanding of business letter is a letter that is used by a person, institution Organizations or institutions that deliver business messages in writing to the other party using Certain media whether it be sending a letter via postal, faksmilie, telephone or via the internet.
Examples of business letters vary in number, could include work order, the business introduction letter, a letter ordering products, mail moved office address, mail collection, mail the contract, agreement or letter of complaint.

Explanation along with examples of business letter
Business letter serves as a representative or ambassador for mailing. In relation to the business world, business letter serves to carrier business messages from the sender of the message to the other party.
2. Tools to save pembertitahuan, demand or request, thoughts or ideas related to issues of business issue.
For example: a letter ordering products, collection letters, collection letters new products, etc.
3. Tool evident inspiration in writing (written documents), for example: note purchase agreement, the work order, letter of intent, etc.
4. Tools for remembering, for example: business letters archived. At aat required, the letters can be seen and checked again to recall the various activities that have been done the past or earlier.
5. Evidence of history or historical, for example, permit the establishment of a business, the business bankruptcy letter, and the letter of the merger. Business letters into a valuable record sebagiai historical evidence in the business world.
6. Guidelines for working, for example: the decision letter and a warrant. The letter serves as a guide or reference in a business activity.
7. Media campaign for mail delivery.
Example To 1
Purwokerto, November 13th, 2014
Dear Sirs,
Through this letter, let us introduce our company to you. Our company named PT Maju Sejahtera is engaged in the distributor of office stationery.
According to the information we collect, CV MEGA is a property company that is growing Rapidly and will open again some marketing office in Tasikmalaya. In this connection, let us offer some of stationery products that we market. Together with this letter we attach a list of items and their respective prices.
If your company needs our services, then simply contact us via the telephone numbers (0265) 35 412 and we'll deliver the goods directly to the site. Further, we will send you an invoice each end of the month for transactions occurring in the corresponding month.We will give special discount if accumulated purchase within one month of more than Rp 2.000.000, - (two million rupiah).
We hope that this offer can proceed in a form of cooperation that benefits both parties.If Mr interested, we are ready to a make presentations and conduct further Discussed.
Tus we submit the offer letter, delivered thank you for your attention.
Marketing Manager
Example To 2
MN22 8YY
13th November 2014
Dear Mrs Jenkyns
I am looking for a placement within a hospital environment from June to September of this year. I am writing to you as I understand that Manchester General Hospital may have Appropriate vacancies available. I have a strong interest in laboratory procedures and clinical diagnostics the which I understand are predominantly Carried out at this hospital. As I live only 5 miles from your site, travel and accommodation would not be a problem for me.
I first Became interested in the hospital environment after a school visit to your site. I was taken on a tour around the laboratories where the Differing techniques used in testing of clinical samples for Patients were demonstrated. Since then, discussions with my careers adviser has confirmed my decision to aim for a career in this field.
Through my degree course, I have been Able to develop my interest in biochemistry, whilst improving my laboratory skills along with my numeracy skills. I have gained some experience in HPLC and have good computing skills, having used Several scientific databases. I Achieved 68% in my first year examinations and am hoping to Achieve a high 2: 1 for my course work this year. While at University, I have been Also Able to utilize my skills in working with people through a variety of vacation jobs. My work at a busy insurance office was valuable in teaching me the importance of ascertaining customers' needs and providing clear and accurate information.
I would be most grateful if you could Consider me for any suitable positions. I will be available for interview at any time and am at my home address in Cranford from late May onwards. At all other times I can be contacted at my college address. Please find enclosed my CV where you will find further information.
Yours sincerely

Model And Sample Business Letters
Mail - We already know a lot of these kinds of kinds of letters, such as job application letter, official letters, cover letters, letters resign and so forth. Included in this blog I tried to present information about the various models of letters that may be an additional reference for those of you who are want to write a letter according to type the letter you want.
In this article I will discuss about the business letter. Before we review more in this discussion, I will be a little remind you that the definition of the letter is a means of communication that aims to convey the information in writing.
Mail is a type of formal letter that is used within the scope of employment. Definition of a business letter itself is a business letter is used by an institution or institutions to deliver business messages that would normally be sent in writing by post, fax or via e-mail in the Internet network.
There are many types of business letters, among others, include:
1. Letter Purchase Order (PO)
2. Cover Letters Job
3. Business License
4. Letter of Agreement
5. Letter Office
6. Letter of Assignment
7. Letters Minutes
8. Notice of Moving Office
9. Cooperation Agreements
10. Letter of Agreement, etc.
In addition, you also need to know what the function of the business letter. In general, business letters have the following functions.
• Mail serves as a medium of communication between the two (2) parties indirectly in which each party does not have to meet face to face but still in a formal state.
• Media that can be used as a communication tool in order to tangle silaturrahmi and cooperation is still running, albeit between two (2) parties are not bound cooperation.
• Tools that can describe the criteria between two (2) parties, so that both can mutually determine each criterion may or may not cooperate.
In order for this more complete article, then I will give one example of a formal business letter issued by a company.
Example Business Letter of Credit Agreement
The undersigned below :
Address: Jln. Garut 11, Jakarta 21 983
No. ID: 1275584210000851
No. Tel. : 021-4565362
I hereby have received from Dynamic Comtech Indo, 1 (one) unit Lenovo IdeaPad G470-9919 with the following details:
• Processor Intel Core i5 2520M (2.5GHz/1333MHz/3MB L3 Cache)
• Memory 4GB DDR3
• Hard Drive 500GB
• DVD ± RW, NIC, WiFi
• Bluetooth, Camera
• 14 "WXGA
• Provided Interface 4x USB 2.0, VGA, HDMI, LAN, Audio
• Include Carrying Case, 6 Cells Battery, DOS
• Warranty 1 Year
• SN: CB16999564
Total price
Down Payment 30% to Rp. 6.41 million, -
Rp. 1.900.000, -
The rest of the "Credit" Rp. 4.51 million, -

Payment for the notebooks mentioned above is done with the system "Hire-purchase (leasing)," The definition of a lease (leasing) is a system of rental payments that will be paid every month for 11 months and notebook mentioned above will become my property if future lease payments for 11 (eleven) months along with a fine delay (if any) I have paid off.
I have given Down Payment Rp. 1.900.000, - (one million nine hundred thousand rupiah), and the remaining payment of Rp. 4.51 million, - (four million five hundred and ten thousand rupiah) will my installment credit for 11 time period with a credit value of Rp. 410.000, - (Four hundred and ten thousand rupiah) per month. Payment is due on the 22nd of each month, is transferred to the account:
A / C: 123.456789.0
A / N: Sumanto Subianto
Payments I (First), beginning on November 22, 2012 and the payment of rent to XI (eleven) maturing on 22 September 2012. Slip Copy deposit / transfer is a valid substitute proof of payment receipts. I hereby will not sell or transfer the Notebook devices to other parties during the lease term has not expired.
When my late monthly lease payments the transfer of a predetermined schedule, then I am willing to incur a late fee of Rp. 50.000, - (fifty thousand rupiah) per day with a maximum delay of 14 days. If the late payment of monthly rent exceeds 14 days, then through this letter, I hereby authorize the Dynamic Comtech Indo to retract 1 Unit Notebook aforementioned wherever Notebook is located, and Down Payment together with the lease payments that have been paid are considered as lease payments made, and is not refundable.

Such waiver and this power I made with full awareness, and without coercion from any party.

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